The environmental campaign was held on the territory of the Blue Lakes

26 July 2021, Monday

The voluntary clean-up held last weekend on the territory of the Blue Lake in Kazan gathered a total of more than 60 people. Divers of the underwater research group named after A. A. Leonov took part in the action, as well as volunteers of the health and educational complex "Baitik", representatives of public organizations and residents of the city. Activists and concerned residents brought order to the coastal zone, and divers cleaned the bottom of the reservoir.

The event was organized within the framework of the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" of the "Ecology" national project.  

"Most of all there were fragments from disposable barbecues and glass bottles. We also found a lot of wet wipes that people use as paper, and this is essentially plastic," the participants of the action noted.  

"There is less garbage every year, but this is only due to the fact that many people began to clean up after themselves. It is good that there are more caring citizens," said Andrey Agarkov, Deputy Chairman of the RGS in the Republic of Tatarstan. 

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