August 2017

A complaint on the terrible smell of sewage was received today in the Zakamsk Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. Residents called the hotline and reported that “it's impossible to breathe” on the territory of the Nizhekamsk base of construction inductry. To find out the reasons, the state inspectors and specialists of the Ministry of Ecology Laboratory visited the site. Upon inspection, a sewage pipe was found. Household waste was discharged directly to the soil.

Today in Tatarstan a new project “Green Recycling” started. It is implemented by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic in the framework of the Year of Ecology in Russia and the Year of Ecology and Public Spaces in Tatarstan. Its goal is to attract the people’s attention to the preservation of natural resources in the Republic of Tatarstan. “We want to show how secondary raw materials can be re-used, thereby reducing the load on landfills of solid domestic waste,” said Almir Almiyev, head of the Information and Analytical Department of the Ministry of Ecology.

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