February 2017

Members of the work group expressed their ideas to prepare proposals for the project of development of the coastal territories of Kuibyshev reservoir near the village Zaymische ofZelenodolsk district. The meeting was held at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. The public initiative group expressed gratitude to the leaders of the republic for the opportunity to find a solution for the future use of this territory, taking into account the people opinion. The social activists introduced the concept of development of the territory which included the beach area, camping grounds, walkways, bicycle paths, lawns with trees and shrubs, organization of amateur and sports fishing. The planned infrastructure of the territory provides construction

Today the activists of the youth eco-movement “BUDETCHISTO” told about the main directions of work in the year of the Ecology and public spaces to the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan FaridAbdulganiev.

Office of natural areas of the North-East Administrative District and Sokolnikithe state budget environmental agency “MosPriroda” invites schoolchildren and preschool children to participate in the All-Russian contest of social advertising “Year of Ecology”. The contest is aimed at attracting public attention to the current environmental problems, problems relatedto nature, pollution and impacts of contaminants.

Within a framework of the Year of Ecology,a book exhibition “In harmonywith the outside world”openedin the bigreading room of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan. The book selection is aimed at drawing public attention to pressing problems related to the environment.

Kazan students of 7-11 gradesare invited to participate in theOpen urban ecological-regional conference “Our land”. The event is organized by the Office of Education of Kazan and the City Creativity Palace named after A. Alish. The conference will be held on March 15, 2017. Participants will reportthe results of their research activities. Using pictures, diagrams, drawingsis welcome. The topics of the conference are dedicated to the following fields:

We continue to accept applications for the Award in the field of ecology, energy and resource saving – ECO BEST AWARD. The main objectives of the project are: to draw attention to the environmental safety and preservation of the ecosystemintegrity; making people aware of the benefits of environmentally friendly products, existing environmental standards and achievements in the field of ecology; fostering environmental awareness and promoting environmentally safebehaviouramong society. So far, more than 100 applicationshave been receivedto participate in the primary selection.

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