April 2015

StartingApril 1st, natureprotectionservicesoftheRepublic, specializedministriesandauthorities, companies and organizations, executive committees of municipal formations of the Republic of Tatarstan proceeded to a two-month sanitary and ecological campaign. Today, inspectors of the Central Territorial Department under the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted a joint raidwith journalists to the Volga and Novo-Savinsky districts of Kazan. A series of violations were revealed in the framework of the raid including unauthorized waste placement sites on 62 Yu. Fuchickstr.  Wastebuildupwascausedbyillegaltradeatthebusstop “10 Microrayon”. Moreover, inspectorsdetectedlitteringof theterritory adjacent to acontainer yardon 66 Yu. Fuchickstr. Inresponsetothesefacts, administrative proceedings were initiated under Article 3.6 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Tatarstan“Violation of Kazan beautification rules”.  

FromApril 1sttoMay 31st, allnatureprotectionservices, specializedministriesandauthorities, executive committees of municipal formations of the Republic proceed to a two-month sanitary and ecological campaign in order to clean territories of cities and municipal districts of the Republic and put them in proper sanitary and ecological order.

ForthesakeofconvenienceofcitizensoftheRepublic,aseriesofe-serviceswillbeusedduringthetwo-monthcampaign –citizens’ addresseswillbereceived through a portal of state services and mobile communication devicesensuring feedback of the population, in particular the “People’s Control” system and a new system “School eco-patrol”, wherebyany pupilcan help supervisory authorities today by informing them on revealed landfills.StartingApril 1st, citizens will be able to refer

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